Saturday, March 07, 2009

Today is Saturday, on my weekend off. My lovely wife, Rusti, is out working in the yard. That's how she relaxes. It's in the 70's today, which is unusual, being that it's early March, and the fact that we've had a very cold winter. I'm just messing around on the computer, which is how I relax.

Rusti is such a great girl. She is definitely the ying to my yang, the alpha to my omega. I am so blessed to have her. I can't even fathom what I would do without her.

We have First Responder training this month, so not many days without having to trek to the Tri. Fuck, I am by no means a medic. I am already a Police Officer and an Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighter, now they want to add Medic to the list, as well as cutting back on our benefits. Jeez, oh Pete, more responsibilty and liability, and no additional pay to go along with it. I guess in these tumultuous economic times, I'm lucky to have a job.

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