Here is a pic of my shift sargeant, T Lowe. He left for his summer vacation in Barbados today. I hope he has a good time. His vacating (is that a word?) has left us with a problem, however. We start back on day shifts Monday and work through Thursday. It will be me and Doug, along with our nefarious Lieutenant, Harvy. As I have stated before, Harv won't help us with anything. He is R.O.A.D. (retired on active duty). So it will be pretty much just me and Doug covering the whole county for essentially a week. I hope we have a good week, but 2 deputies, serving a population of nearly 60,000, is not a safe situation. Oh well. I dread it.Today was Larry T's (my father-in-law) birthday. We spent the evening with Larry, Sandy (my mothe-in-law), and Hannah (their little Yorkie).My brother-in-law Curtis was up, along with his wife, Dana, and their little daughter Brooke. We ate pizza and roasted marshmellows. It was a lotta fun. I'm glad Curtis got to come up. He's always a blast to be around. He's a Federal Agent, based out of Oak Ridge, TN, so we don't get to hang out near enough.I'm trying to talk my wife, Rusti, into getting a second Boston Terrier, as a brother or sister to Tommie Girl. So far, not having much luck. Anyway, it's been a pretty fun day. I'll probably post a couple of more good links. Hope I don't repeat any posted earler!
Just a quick update. I just got off my first night shift back. It rained, and rained, and rained all night long. Man, I hate rainy nightshifts. You can't hardly see anything from the cruiser on a night like tonight. I was hoping the rain might keep our calls for service down, but no such luck. It was fairly steady all night long. Mainly, though, a lot of 'junk calls'. One bright note, though. An off-duty Deputy from another shift had been scoping out a local fugutive who had gotten away from him earlier, and the off-duty Deputy, along with my Sargeant, and a Drug Task Force Officer were able to creep in on him, and effect his arrest on numerous outstanding warrants, from our county as well as from an adjoining one. That was probably the highlight of the night. I had to answer one call that was so weird, I can't think of a way to summarize it in any form on this blog that would convey what happened. That's pretty vague, isn't it! I honestly just can't think of a way to put it into words. But, in essence, it was another 'junk call'.I guess that's about all for now. Let's all pray that Israel gets it's kidnapped soldier back alive. And God Bless all of our brave men and women in harm's way.
Here is an old scanned photo of me at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey in 1984. Just thought I'd throw it in.As much as I disagree with the Democrats on every level, I'm beginning to think that Al Gore might be onto something with his warnings of Global Warming. Man, it was hot today. My lovely wife, Rusti, and I got out in it for a little while. We had to go to Lowe's to look at tile again. According to our builder, the tile that we had picked out was wall tile (6 x 6). He advised us that we needed to go with a 12 x 12 tile to withstand the weight of the appliances, as well as people walking on it. We found a suitable tile that we liked better than the original, with the exception of it being larger. We also got our bathroom sinks and counter-tops picked out.Tommorrow, July 4, 2006, the 230th anniversary of our great nation, we are going to Rusti's family renuion in (ugh) Roan Mountain at the Cabins. Last year, at least, my brother-in-law Curtis, was in to attend and moderate the whole affair. He made it alot more fun. This year, he won't be here, so we won't have near as much fun. Happy 4th, Naw, all kidding aside, it should be o.k. We're gonna take our little Tommie Girl this year..should be interesting. I wish that I had a big, extended family like that.I'm gonna post a few more links. I hope everyone has a great 4th!http://www.cmt.com
O.k., another update. Here is an artistic rendering of the front elevation of the house we are building, although ours will look a little different. We went with Jefferson Wade Tudor brick from General Shale with black morter. I know that sounds tacky, but, trust me, it looks GOOD! The brick is already laid, and we are going with white siding to off-set it a little bit. I'm sure that it will look really good. Well, Good Ole Harv really broke it off in me today. It was like somebody pushed a button at about 12:30 p.m. and the county went crazy! Alot of junk calls, and it seemed like we stayed a call or two behind for the rest of the afternoon. Not to mention the fact that it was, like, 9000 degrees today with about 2000% humidity. Maybe a little bit of an exaggeration, but it was HOT! I worked a burglary towards the end of the shift where a bunch of personal and business checks were stolen, along with approx. $20,000.00 worth of women's jewelry. I had to work over (which I hate, after 12 hours I'm ready to go home!). I got hold of the on-call investigator (who will remain nameless) and explained what I had. Descent crime scene, known probable suspect, etc. He said there was no use in him coming in, and to tell the victim that he would be out tommorrow to obtain prints. Oh well. Glad to put this shift to bed!I'm gonna post a couple of good links below. Just in case I don't update again before the fact, I hope everyone has a good and safe 4th of July. God bless our founding fathers and our current leadership!http://www.michaelsavage.comhttp://www.drudgereport.com