I'm sure this break will fly by. Our long set of Day Shifts preceeding this break were brutal. It was like an endurance race to the end. On our last one, Thursday, Dec. 28, 2006 there was a reception held for Captain James Parrish at Dino's Resteraunt. He is leaving the Sheriff's Department for good and returning to the U.S. Army, as an adjutant to a 3 star Female General at the Pentagon. I, along with many others will sure miss him. I wish him all the luck in the world in his new assignment. By the way, his Army rank is Lt. Colonel. I salute you, LTC Parrish, and wish you the best.
I went by the 'reception' at Dino's. I only stayed about 30 minutes, due to the fact that I was on duty. I had my portable radio on, but I was afraid that the new Sheriff or Chief Deputy would take note of my presence, being on-duty, and all. No one else from my shift showed up. I have known LTC Parrish from about the 6th Grade at Happy Valley Elementary School, so I had to attend, if only for a few minutes. I also attended R.O.T.C. at East Tennessee State University with James. I got his email addresses, so maybe we can keep in touch.
I am sooooo glad to be off for a few days. I know that it will pass quickly, but at the front end it feels sooooo good. I wish that I never had to go back. More later.