Today is Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2006, (obviously, as evidenced by the header). It is the day after the 5th Anniversary of the terrible terrorist attacks of 9/11.
ABC ran a two part miniseries on the events leading up to 9/11. It was excellent, although a lot of controversy has surrounded it (go figure). Democrats again. They even attacked the President's 9/11 Speech. Man, I hate those guys. They are truly gonna be the downfall of our Great Nation.
I just wanted to post a quick message saluting the heroes of 9/11, and remembering the Victims. I hope that the American Public has not forgotten!
Oh, by the way, the American Embassy in Damscus, Syria was attacked this morning by Fascist Jihadists. 3 out of the 4 were killed, and the 4th captured. Syria is such a Police State that I find it hard to believe that the Syrian Government was not involved, at least complictly.
On a far removed note, this is FLORIDA WEEK! Although we have suffered two devestating injuries to key starters from the Air Force game, I feel like we are gonna feast on some Gator meat! Go Vols!!!!!!!!