Today is Friday. We just finished up night shifts, and go back Monday on Days. Last night was the night of Aug. 31/Sept. 1. The new Sheriff, along with his new Chief Deputy apparently came in last night about 18:00 (6:00 p.m.). They apparently looked around for a while and then left, telling the dispatcher that they would return around 08:00. Should be in for some interesting days ahead.
O.K., here's the deal. I haven't updated in a while, for several reasons. We have finally moved out of the "hotbox". We moved our stuff outta there on Aug. 14th. The new house wasn't completely ready yet, though, so we just moved our stuff into the new house in the garage, and stayed with Larry and Sandy for the week. On the 18th, we spent our first night in the new house.Since the 18th, we have called Charter Communications numerous times, trying to get our Cable and Internet service established in the new house. It has been unbelievable, the run-around that we got from Charter. However, without going into great detail, they finally came today, the 28th, and gave us TV and Internet. You would not believe how much you miss TV and Internet access until you don't have it. Anyway, I am finally back online and will begin to update regularly again.