Friday, February 16, 2007

Check out this picture. It was developed in August of 1966. The picture is of my Great Uncle Jack (the Brother of my beloved Granny), and his wife, my Great Aunt Margaret. They are both dead, at this point in time.
The interesting thing that I wish to point out, is the Boston Terrier. Uncle Jack always had Bostons and Bulldogs. The Boston Terrier in this picture looks alot like my little Tommie Girl. No, I don't remember this particular dog, (I had just turned 2 years old at the time), but I do remember 'Uncle' Jack having Bostons. Anyway, the picture was taken on my Grand-Dad's & Granny's Carport.
Anyway, I (hopefully), will be releasing some BIG NEWS on Monday or Tuesday. So check back.
Peace, Out!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Today is Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2007. It is the day that I would normally start my three night shifts on "Hell Week". However, I took them off, so I don't have to go back to work until next Monday on our long set of day shifts.
I just wanted to post a quick update about Blogger's new interface. It makes it a lot easier to control the blog without punching in a bunch of HTML code. Hence, I was able to post the picture of Tommie Girl on the top right of the blog, as well as edit my links. I will change the links from time to time, but I just put a sampling up to see how they worked on the new system.
I hope to be able to make this blog a little bit more interesting. I'm still trying to figure out the 'Google Widgets', and when I get that figured out, I should be able to add even more intesting content.
On an unrelated note, I would like to wish my lovely wife, Rusti, a very Happy Valentines Day! I love you, Sweetie, and you make my life complete. More later.