Today is Saturday, March 10, 2007. I had a busy week, starting the new job, and all. I had all the usual administrative tasks to complete, (W-2, Insurance, etc.), plus I had to learn as much about the Airport as I could. They usually keep 'new guys' in training for 2 weeks, but I got cut loose after one. I worked Monday through Friday on day shift. There is definitely alot of new stuff for me to learn. Taxi-way and Runway designations for one thing. Being part of a Public Safety Dept., I have to get up to speed on all of the fire stuff. They call it ARFF (Airport Rescue & Fire Fighting). The Fire Apparatus at the Airport is truly impresive. The cockpit looks like the cockpit of the Space Shuttle to me, with all of the various controls, switches and buttons.
They are sending me to ARFF school in Salt Lake City, Utah next month. I am definitely looking forward to it, as it will be a new experience, along with the fact that I have never been to that part of the country. I also get to fly out there, which I am looking forward to. (I love to fly).
Everyone at the Department has been so nice to me this week. It really seems like a great bunch of guys. Chief Barron is a trip, and really fun to be around. Lt. Wiley and Lt. Barnsworth have been very helpful on my first week. PSO's Sells, Greenway, & Harrell (Scooby) have been great to work with. Sgt. R. Stout (who is another Carter Countian), has been most gracious. I really feel like this is gonna be a great job, and great Department to be a part of.
I love aircraft, as I have mentioned before. This week I got to board (and check out the cockpits) of an ATR, a DeHavilland Dash-8, as well as a Delta Connection Regional Jet Embracer. It was really cool. I also got to talk with some of the flight crews. I also got to check out some general aviation aircraft, including a Cirrus (which was really nice), a Rockwell Commander, several Pipers, including Barrons & King Airs, and got to watch an old Rockwell Sabreliner power up, taxi & take off.
Overall, it was a very interesting week. I am working a kinda weird shift Monday & Tuesday, 12:00 noon till 12:oo midnight. After that, I start on 'my shift', which is Shift 3, on night shift Friday night. I am sure that I have left a bunch of stuff out, but I wanted to get something posted here, about my first week. More later.