Anyway, Rusti recently ordered a new camera, so I thought I'd throw these pics out.
Yesterday was the last day of our long set of dayshifts (thank God). Today is the first day of my 7-day break. Yesterday at 16:00 (4:00 p.m., for you civilian-types), we were relieved by the power shift so that we could be inspected by the new Sheriff and Chief Deputy. They checked out our cruisers and equipment, then we had our individual interviews with the new Sheriff and Chief. I felt like everything went pretty good. I am sooo glad, tho, to be off for a few days. I was absolutely killed by the end of this cycle. In a blink of an eye, though, our break will be over.
Our dayshifts were kinda slow, for a change. The cooler weather and the onset of Autumn always seems to slow down the call volumn a little.
Tommorrow is the big Tennessee-Georgia game. I can't wait. I predict a Vol Victory by at least 10 points. Go Vols, spank the Dawgs!
More Later.