I just got off of my first 12 hour shift at the Airport. Today I worked 12:00 - Midnight, which I will be working again tommorrow. Although a strange set of hours, it was pretty interesting and not near as bad as I thought it would be. I will be going to 'my' shift, which is Shift 3, on Friday night. My call sign will be '303'. I got to meet my new lieutenant tonight, as he came on at 18:00 (6:00 P.M.). He seems like a really great guy, and I liked him instantly. The more that I got to talk to him, the more I liked him. I am excited about my new shift, and I think everything is going to work out really well.
On a sad note, however, over the past week-end, my old shift at the Carter County Sheriff Dept., had to cover a three day week-end, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday (on the day shift), with 2 Deputies on the road. Think about that for a minute. 2 Deputies to cover a County the size of Carter County. Unbelievable. That's really great planning on the part of the new 'Management Team'. I wonder if the Citizens of Carter County have any idea, whatsoever, on what is going on at that Department. Not only is it unsafe for the Citizens, it is unsafe for the TWO Deputies on duty!
Maybe one of these days the truth will emerge. More later.