Today is Thursday...meaning it's the last day of my 'long break'. Back to the grind tommorrow night. Another break come and gone. They go sooo quick.
On a positive note, my loving wife, ordered me a copy of Microsoft Flight Simulator X. I was really surprised, and not at all expecting it. Thank you, Sweetie. I have spent alot of time on MS Flight Sim 2004, taking both VFR & IFR flights from various airports, including Elizabethton Municipal (0A9), and Tri-Cities Regional Airport (KTRI). I'm still in the learning phase of Flight Sim X, but, so far, it has been alot of fun.
I got a brake job done on my Cruiser, while off this time. It was done by Allen Matheson at Custom Brake & Muffler in Hampton. While I had my car there, I asked them (Allen & his wife, Kathy) if they could spray my wheels with black paint. The steel wheels on my cruiser had gotten somewhat rusty and looked horrible. They sprayed them, and they came out looking really good, and really upgraded the look of the cruiser overall. Thanks to Allen & Kathy. Gonna post a quick pic...wish that I had a 'before' picture....