I haven't updated in a couple of weeks, and this update is probably kinda somber.
Yesterday, Rusti told me that they had 'un-veiled' or opened part of the new Veteran's Wall in Elizabethton, and that they had placed my and my Dad's 'bricks' side-by-side. She said that she about cried when she saw it.
We went down there and took a couple of pics. I really don't know how the 'bricks' were placed, because they were not strictly alphabetical. It did, however, make me proud that Dad & I will be on that wall together for many, many years. I called Mom and told her about it, and she cried. She told me that Dad had anticipated the Memorial in the worst way, and that he really wanted to see it completed. It is just a shame that he passed away before he got to see his 'brick'. I feel like he would've been proud, also, that he and I were placed side by side.
Dad - If you have internet access in Heaven, I hope you read this. I continue to miss ya, buddy! I still can't believe you are gone, but I know you are in a better place, and I know this is a stronger country for the service you rendered in the United States Navy!
That's all I have to say about that.