Here's a picture from Thanksgiving 2006. This is Rusti, Me, and our new little nephew, Brody Ryan Miller. Brody is the son of Rusti's Brother, Curtis, and his Wife, Danna. Thanksgiving is the first day that we got to see him. He was 9 days old on Thanksgiving. He sure is a cute little fella.
Also, here is a picture of Brooke, Brody's Sister. She is such a cutie-pie, and sooo smart and well behaved. Brooke is a sheer joy to be around.
Today is Friday. We just finished up our Hellish set of 4 dayshifts, and finally made it to long break. This whole week we were short-handed, as our Sargeant, T Lowe was vacating. We had a very busy week, overall. Lots of calls, mostly 'junk calls'. I swear, people can no longer, apparently, run their own lives, and call 9-1-1 over the most minor things. They expect us to show up, and solve in minutes, a problem it took them years to create. People have gone off the deep end. Maybe I am burned out, but people cannot simply live and exist and solve problems any more, it seems.
Mom seems to be doing better than I ever expected since Dad's death. I am so proud of her. She still has her bad days, but she has been incredibally strong. I pray for her every day, and I see God's hand working in her life. Rusti, as usual, has been my rock. I don't know what I would've done without her. I have been in closer touch with my cousins in Mississippi than I have been in years. They have been so supportive, and I appreciate them. We have a small family, and I truly appreciate everything that they have done.
I started my long break today, and I already dread going back to work. I need to finish my degree and find a new line of work, I think. I plan to relax as much as possible, although I have a lot to do and take care of during my break. Anyway, I guess that's all for now. More later.