We will celebrate Thanksgiving down at Larry and Sandy's (my in-laws). Sandy always puts on a great spread of food, and my brother-in-law, Curtis will be up with his family....
I was down at Food City this afternoon, and I ran into my old friend, 'Birdie' Travis Carrier. I used to work with him at the E.P.D. What a great guy. He went to J.C.P.D. and then to Iraq as a contractor. After he got back, he went to work for the Dept. of Energy. He told me that he runs into my bro-in-law, Curtis, often, down there in Oak Ridge. He also told me that he now has 4 kids...wow! He was a great Officer, and a good friend. I was glad to see him.
There will be some changes at the Airport in January. Every year they do the shift change thing. If any poor, pitiful Night Shift guys wanna work Dayshift, that is the time. I love working straight night shifts. However, it looks like, due to defections from shift 4 to day shift, that I will be moving to shift 4. I will prolly be '403' which will be the absolute height of irony, being that was my last call-sign at the Elizabethton Police Dept.
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving, All, Especially my Lovely Wife, Rusti....I sure do love you, honey. You are the one that I am thankful for!!!