Hey, I guess it's time to post my 'Big News'. If you haven't already figured it out on your own, or heard it through the rumor mill, well here goes......drumroll, please....
My association with the Carter County Sheriff's Dept. is coming to an end, and I am starting a new chapter in my life as a Police Officer for the Tri-Cities Regional Airport. I had to wait until I turned in my official notice to the Sheriff's Department (which I did this morning), before posting my news here. I will certainly miss all of my friends at the Sheriff's Department, along with all by buds from the Elizabethton Police Department, and the great folks at Carter County Emergency Communications District (9-1-1). I hope to keep in touch with all you guys, but it still won't be the same as working with you every day. This announcement, is, naturally, bittersweet at this time, simply because of all the great people that I have had the privelege of working with.
I start at the Airport Dept. of Public Safety on Monday, March 5, 2007. I am looking very forward to my new job, and all the new challenges it will present. I am sure that I will get to meet a lot of great new people. I have always been an aviation buff, and I love being around planes, airports, airbases, or anything to do with aviation. Maybe, someday, I will even get my own pilot's liscense, who knows! The Chief of my new Department has been very friendly and warm. I look forward to working for him.
I am scheduled to attend an aircraft/airport firefighter's school in Salt Lake City, Utah in the middle of April. I think it will be very interesting, and I look forward to the flight out there. I have never been to that part of the country before. I will include a link to the school below.
Anyway, I will close for now, and will post more later, as developments unfold.