We were finished by about 20:30, so that was cool. I used to have to maintain a C.P.R. certification when I worked for the City of Elizabethton. When I went back to the Sheriff's Dept., I let it go. If I had my druthers, I'd rather not be certified in it. There are several reasons, and I imagine most of you can figure out why I would say that. Anyway, it's done and over with, so I am now re-certified. It is looking more and more like I will have to attend first responder, also. Yuck. I HATE the medical end of this job. I can put up with the fire-fighting part, but I sure as hell am not a medic. Kinda puts me in mind of the old saying.....Jack of all trades.....
Everything is good on the home front. I made it home tonight before my lovely wife, Rusti went to bed. She had a horrific day in court today. Court didn't even adjourn until after 19:00. Unbelievable. I was glad that I got to spend a little time with her before she had to go to bed. I figured that the training would keep me past her bed-time. If you're reading, honey, I love you!
Anyway, I guess that's about it for now, loyal reader. Hope all is well with everyone.