Saturday, July 01, 2006

O.K., another update....hey I'm doing good here! Today is Saturday, July 1, 2006. Today, we went up to the new house and did some weed-eating. Our builder had been up there since before 7:00 this morning, doing some grading. It's really looking good, and he thinks we will be in there around the 1st of August. I think that is overly optimistic, but, we'll see I guess. After that we came back home and are mowing here. Rusti is mowing the front, and I'll mow the back when she gets done. I call it "conquering Everest" because the back is soooooo steep.

My shift is on the Friday, Saturday, Sunday day shifts, which I had originally taken off. My shift commander, though, in a crafty and underhanded manner, attached a note to my paycheck (payday was Friday) saying he needed me to work Sunday, so it totally messed up my break. He doesn't care about anyone on the shift and had already approved my time off, so it was a real kick in the teeth. Thanks, Harv! Oh, well, guess I'll be working dayshift tommorrow.

Let's see: what else? Well, my father-in-law, Larry (who is just a great guy), bought a 4-wheeler today. I rode it a little bit. First time in my life that I've ever ridden a 4-wheeler! It was a lot of fun. It's almost time to conquer Everest, so I guess I'll sign off for now. It's getting closer to "Football Time in Tennessee". Let's hope that the Vols have a better year!

Friday, June 30, 2006

O.K. It's still Friday, June 3o, 2006. We got a lot of stuff done this evening. We picked out our counter-tops. Thanks Julie, from the Elizabethton Lowe's for all of your hard work! We also picked out our appliances while there. Whirlpool Gold series, that all match in stainless steel. We also found our ceramic tile that should come in 'under budget'! Woohoo!

The pic on this post is of the cover of the book that I am currently reading. Mark Bowden is probably most notable for writing 'Black Hawk Down'. I have read several of his books, including 'Black Hawk Down', 'Killing Pablo', and 'Doctor Dealer'. He is a fantastic author of Non-Fiction. All of his books read like Tom Clancy novels. I can't say enough good about his writing. Just do yourself a favor and check out one of his books!

"Guests of the Ayatollah" is about America's first battle with Islamo-facists. It deals with the take over of the American Embassy in Tehran by radical Islamic students. It is very detailed and a page-turner from the very start!

Just a couple of more images to give this blog a little color. The first, obviously, is the badge of the Carter Co. Sheriff's Dept. The second, is an Air Force Security Forces basic qualification badge, and the third is the Shield of U.S.A.F. Security forces.

My roots in law enforcement started with the United States Air Force, and I am still proud of those guys.

I just wanted to post this pic. It was from last summer when we went to Dreams Resort & Spa in Cancun, Mexico. What an awesome place! The whole time that we were there, I felt like we were in the middle of a Corona commercial, hence the pic! Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there. For anyone interested in a great vacation, I couldn't recommend Dreams more.
Today is Friday, June 30, 2006. It's about 14:45 (2:45 p.m. for you civilian types). I am waiting for Rusti to get home. This afternoon, we are going up to Danny Smith's Floor Coverings to try to pick out some ceramic tile for our new house. We are gonna tile the laundry room, kitchen, and bathrooms. After that, we have to go down to Lowe's to try to pick out our counter tops. Our builder advised us a price per square foot on the tile, and that for the counter tops, we need to go with any product by Wilson Art. I have been checking their website and found several possibilites. Thankfully, Lowe's carries Wilson Art Products, so we can look at them in person.

I'll be glad when this house gets done and we get to move in. Everyone says that if a marriage can survive a housebuilding, it can survive anything. I'm starting to believe it.

If anyone ever reads this drivel, I wanted to point out the blog of my buddy, JRAM, who works at the E.P.D. It can be found at Lot more interesting than this blog. Anyway, I guess that's all for now.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

I guess that if anyone ever reads this, that I should give a little background on myself. My name is Kevin, and I am a Deputy Sheriff with the Carter County, TN Sheriff Dept. I am married to a wonderful lady named Rusti, who, I am convinced, God put on this earth just for me. We are true soul-mates and I am lucky to have found her. I have a terrific little Boston Terrier, named Tommie Girl! I wouldn't take a million dollars for her. We currently have a new home under construction and we expect to move in sometime in August. Anyway, just a brief overview.
I am gonna try the 'blog thing' one more time. Today is Thursday, June 29, 2006. I have been reading some blogs posted by Marines on and am humbled that we have young folks of this calibre serving a largely uncaring public for us. All I can say is way to go, guys, and GODSPEED! I don't know what direction this blog will take, but, like I said, I thought that I'd give it one more try.