Hey everybody. Here is a pic of me on the ramp at Salt Lake City International Airport. The mountains out there were absolutely gorgeous. They were snow capped, and appeared to be devoid of any vegetation. A lot different from our mountains here in East Tennessee.
A.R.F.F. School is done and over with, and now comes the challenge of getting really proficient with it. The basic school taught me some valuable skills, but it also taught me how much I still have to learn. Maybe at some point, I can get the advanced school.
At the SLC school, they use Oshkosh Striker apparatus. Thanks to my Lt., I got plenty of wheel time in our E-One Titans, prior to going there. I will definitely have to say that I like our E-One's alot better than the Oshkosh rigs. The only thing that the Oshkosh rigs have going for them, is that they hold twice the fire-fighting agents. The controls on the E-One's are better laid out and a lot more user friendly.
A.A.R.F. is a federal certification (in conjunction with the Federal Aviation Administration). My Lt. pointed out the other night that hardly anyone in this area has the certification. It makes for good job security, I guess.

The other pic that I'm gonna post is a group shot from A.A.R.F. School on the night of our night burn. I am in the top left of the photo. It was really, really cold the night that the pic was taken. Anyway, I guess I'll post more later.....
There is my cute fireman. Every women's dream come true...a fireman and a cop. What more could I ask for?
Just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you. I know that training was very difficult, but you did great. You always do great, you married me didn't you? Ha! Ha!
Good one, Sweetie. I love you!
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