Just a quick update. I just got off my first night shift back. It rained, and rained, and rained all night long. Man, I hate rainy nightshifts. You can't hardly see anything from the cruiser on a night like tonight. I was hoping the rain might keep our calls for service down, but no such luck. It was fairly steady all night long. Mainly, though, a lot of 'junk calls'. One bright note, though. An off-duty Deputy from another shift had been scoping out a local fugutive who had gotten away from him earlier, and the off-duty Deputy, along with my Sargeant, and a Drug Task Force Officer were able to creep in on him, and effect his arrest on numerous outstanding warrants, from our county as well as from an adjoining one.
That was probably the highlight of the night. I had to answer one call that was so weird, I can't think of a way to summarize it in any form on this blog that would convey what happened. That's pretty vague, isn't it! I honestly just can't think of a way to put it into words. But, in essence, it was another 'junk call'.
I guess that's about all for now. Let's all pray that Israel gets it's kidnapped soldier back alive. And God Bless all of our brave men and women in harm's way.
1 comment:
Hey--sorry I haven't checked in the past few days...I'm beginning to think I need a vacation from my vacation!
I couldn't agree more about rainy nightshifts, though. On the bright side (and it only took me about two years) I finally remembered to take the cruiser to the city garage and get them to replace my wiper blades. Now I can SEE! But the sound of that rain pattering down on the roof (especially on a slow night) kills me!
We're back from Clemson. The highlight of the trip was the stop at Six Flags. We spent 8-1/2 hours there. I don't know how I made it without keeling over, but we had a lot of fun. On a funny note: a 10-86 brewed up right behind me on one of the walkways between sections of the park. I turned in time to see the guy kick his girlfriend. With the kids there, and generally not wanting to get involved, I called 911. Turns out that DeKalb County 911 doesn't connect with Six Flags security...they offered to give me the number. I told them never mind, she'll probably be dead by the time I could call it (I know, a bit melodramatic, but I was p**sed that they couldn't at least connect me). Meanwhile, I and about six other guys kept an eye on them til they split up...it didn't get anymore physical than that.
Otherwise, it was a great trip (not $$$-wise, though >>shudder<<). The kids had a blast, which is important, since their mother won't be taking them anywhere this year (and probably not next, nor the year after).
But I'm glad to be back...though I've been kept pretty busy ever since. Did a cookout for friends on the 4th (beer can chicken - yummy!) and helped move some furniture yesterday (ugh -- I'd forgotten the joys of owning a pickup). The kids are with their mom this weekend...I'm seriously thinking of a case of beer and the X-box -- total vegitation. :)
Anyway, I gotta run...ttyl! -jram
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