O.k., back to more of the local issues. As I have stated before, we are in the process of building a new house. Said new house won't be ready for at least another month. We sold our other place in January or Febuary, I don't remember which. That left us with trying to find somewhere to live in the interim, which we did. We got lucky, in some respects. We found a house, near where we are building (very convienient), where we could take our little dog, and it wasn't an apartment. Also, the owner of the house understood our predicament of only needing temporary housing and let us rent month-to-month without a lease. The house is not that great, and the rent is higher than what it should be, but, wtf, with all the other benefits, described above, it seemed tolerable in the short term. Now for the fun part.
The problems with the house are too numerous to mention, however, we have tolerated them. The owner has been in a prolonged campaign (for lack of a better word) to sell the house. The house will never, ever pass a house inspection, much less bring anywhere near the asking price. Anyway, during the hottest summer on record, (and I hate summer and heat, in general), the air conditioning system went out. It's about 1:00 a.m. as I type this and it is at least 90 degrees in this house. I, along with Rusti and Tommie, am totally miserable. I've been sitting around sweating this evening, trying not to move too much. It is hell on earth. The owner of the house seems to think that it is funny. Hmm.
Just venting a little because I am absolutely crazy from the heat. I am about afraid to even be on my computer due to the heat and humidity. God, I hope our house gets done soon.
So that is really accelerating my enjoyment of my days off. I dread going back to work and trying to sleep in this hotbox. As a sidenote, my Sargeant and his wife made it back from Barbados safely. He came by last night and we played some ultra-competitive golf (Tiger Woods 2005) on the Playstation. Sadly to say, he beat me more than I beat him. It was probably the heat that killed my game. Till next time.
1 comment:
Hey Baby,
Remember....it's only temporary....then on with our life in the new house...where we will live, love, and grow old together
your loving wife
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